How to Add Facebook Fan Page to Website

   How to Add Facebook Fan Page to Website

By now, we have learned if you have not on fb page then frist of all create a page from here how to create Facebook page for Business and now, it’s time to increase fans on your Facebook pages. One of the tip, which I have given in my last post is Add Facebook fan page to your Website. Saying that, I mean Facebook offers a widget which you can embed in your blog, and use can hit like button to join your Facebook fan page. This sound super easy and this is one of the easiest way to start seeing increase in number.

Why you should add Facebook fan page to Website:

Many people thing that Facebook is other domain and why should we pass on traffic to that. Here are something, which will understand you how adding Facebook fan page to website is going to help. Facebook has a huge subscriber base, when a user like your Facebook page, he will be able to see all your updates on his wall. Specially for blogs, 

Now its time is to make your Facebook Pan page popular and getting more fans on your fan page. You can also buy likes on Facebook and also but Fans, but such likes and Fans won’t be real fan and will not add much value. Your target should be convert regular & loyal readers into your Fb page fans. There are many ways to increase your fan on your blog and we have shared some of them earlier but one of the most effective way is by adding Facebook fan widget on your blog. This will help your readers to quickly like your fan page on Facebook without leaving your blog.

Guide to add Facebook Fan page Like box:

Very first step is to go to Facebook social plugins page and select Facebook like box for pages. Here is a direct link to that page. Apart from Like box, I would suggest also have a look into other Facebook social plugins which might be useful to make your Website more social.

do it right away.

Once you have added your URL, the preview tab will automatically start showing widget for your blog. You can make changes from settings, like specify a custom size for Facebook fan page widget. I usually, remove stream and header part as they add more into loading time. If you don’t want to show Facebook fan photo, you can hide that too from settings. Though, Facebook fan photo into your Facebook fan box, will add more personal touch for new readers, as Facebook shows your friends photo when you browse a site using Facebook like box.

So here, is a quick screenshot of my settings:

step by step .







Hope YOu Like And Learn .

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