How to perfectly apply nail colour

Looking to give those nails a colour boost, well then check out these expert tips with some help from Wikihow to ensure you get a top paint that lasts longer and looks professionally done:
Apply a coat of your desired nail colour. Don’t worry about it going over the edge of your nails, onto your cuticles or the surrounding skin. Once done with all nails wait for a couple of minutes for the nail polish to dry.
Once the first coat is completely dry, apply a second coat. Again, don’t worry about not being neat.
Once the second coat is dry, apply a final coat of clear nail polish and leave it for a couple of minutes for it to dry.
Sink your hands in hot soapy water and gently massage the skin around your nails, also grab a cloth or sponge and gently rub your fingers.
Next step is to rinse your hands with cold water, wash off the soapy water.
Dry your hands gently with a towel. Any nail polish that went off your nails during aplication will have been cleared away by the hot water.
Flaunt your pretty nails.

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