Miss You Qoutes

You make me miss you so much! :-)

Whenever I miss you stars falls down
from the sky,so any day,
if you find the sky empty
don't blame me!It's your fault
You make me miss you so much! :-)

Miss you alot

Lonesome without u,

Each n every moments.

When i am alone

I close my eyes n think of u

N thoughts of ur love warms

Me inside n makes me smile.

miss you a lot.

A special LUNCH 4 u

A special LUNCH 4 u,

In de hotel of my Heart,

A boul of love,

A spoon of care,

In the pot of Happiness,

Dish is friendship,

Pay the bill




I Remember U Every Time In My Prayes.

I Can See You

In My Hands.

Whenever I Join Them To Pray.

Ur Face Is

One Of Those Who Live In

My Heart.

Because Our ReLation Is From

Heart To Heart,



So, Whenever I Don't Message You Don't Think That I Have Forgotten You...

I Remember U Every Time In My Prayes.

Missing you gets easier every day

Missing you gets easier every day
because even though it's one day
further from the last time we saw each other
it's one day closer
to the next time we will meet.

I miss you and all v share

I miss you.
I miss your warm eyes,
the way you listen and care.
I miss your kisses
and all that we share

"A beep on your cell isn't meant to disturb you;
But it means that somebody somewhere is remembering you... and this moment it's me.
Missing You!"
.  . . . .

Sometimes words are hard to find... to form that perfect sentence, to let you know you're always on my mind!

. . . . .. . .

I am not so special that everyone miss me...
My absence will surely make them feel like...

. . . . . . ..

I wish my book of life was written in pencil there are a few pages I would like to erase.

. . . . . . . .

The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they will miss you or forget you.

. . . . . . .

i miss you a little too much
a little too often
a little more every day

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