Top 7 SEO Friendly Blogger Templates For Technology Blogs

Every blogger want seo friendly and professional theme for his/her blog.Good template design gives best user experiance your blog visitors and professional template design makes you professional blogger.So,We have collected some best professional templatesfor technolgy blogs from all over the web.All template in the below list are not designed by us.We have given proper rights to the designers of blogger templates.If you are running a technology blog than we recommend you following templates.

List Of Top 7 Blogger Templates For Technolgy Blogs :

#1 Geeks Gadget Blogger Template :
Geeks gadget template is specially created for gadget,technology and multimedia  niche blog.Color combination of this template is white,lime blue and gray makes this template more professional.Some features of this template are floating header bar,ads ready,seo-friendly,In-built social sharing buttons,threaded comment system etc.Geeks gadget template is designed by the Syed Faizan Ali owner of templateism.For more information go here.

#2 Trackers Mag Blogger Template :
Trackers Mag template is fully responsive and seo friendly blogger template.It is designed by Suryakant Sao owner of templatetrackers.Features of Trackers Mag template are responsive design,Supports all browsers,Drag & Drop Layout,Threaded comment system,customized popular posts widget etc.For more information go here.

#3 Dazzling Designer Blogger Template :
Dazzling Designer is a responsive theme specially created for technology,news updates,bussiness,gadgets etc.niche blogs.This template is designed by Syed Faizan Aliowner of templatism.Features of this template are Floting header bar,In-built related posts,ads ready,2 coloumn post display,Sticky search bar,wordpress look,threader comments style,4 coloumn feature and much more.For more information go here.

#4 InTouch Blogger Template :
InTouch is responsive magazine style blogger template.This template comes with loaded widgets and features.This template is designed by Suryakant Sao owner of templatetrackers.Features of this template are multipurpose style,responsive design,retina ready,ads ready,multi coloured main menu,professional layout,social icons and much mor.For more information go here.

#5 Techify Blogger Template :
Techify is a responsive magazine style blogger template.It is especially created for technology niche blogs.It comes with many inbuilt widgets and features.This template is designed by the of this template are latest news widget,random posts widget,popular widget,threaded comment system,friendly layout area,fast loadingand much more.For more information go here.

#6 WebMag Blogger Template :
WebMag is a multi-purpose megazine blogger template.It devloped by using CSS3 and HTML5 web language.This theme is specially designed for web blogs,technology,web designing,gadget niche blogs.This theme is designed by the owner of of this template are featured content slider,featured posts widget,Mega sticky navigation bar,social sharing buttons,realted posts widget and much more.For more information go here.

#7 Awesome Mag Blogger Template :
Awensome Mag is a responsive themes comes with many in-built features.This template is very seo friendly and professional looking.It is optimized for both on-page and off-page SEO.It is designed by the templatism team.Features of this template are rsponsive design,Mega Drop down menu,Fetured label area,Random posts widget,popular posts widget,4 coloumn footer,tabbed sidebar widget,ads ready and much more.For more info and customization go here.

Thanks for taking your time to read this article.We hope you like above collection of professional templates.You have to keep footer credits to use above templates on your blog.If we have missed any good template please share it below in comment box.And Please support us by sharing this article with your friends.

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