Looking for the best job to earn money online ? In this article, I'm going to tell you about 5 best and easy online jobs to earn money online without having any type of technical skill. I've written lots of articles on money making tips in this blog ,but this post will help you to find easy and different online jobs from those tips.

These jobs only require an internet connection, basic knowledge of computer and internet. If you are a student, job seeker, housewife or retired person and looking for the ways to earn online, this article could be very useful for you. Here is a list of 5 easy online jobs.
1. Make Money With YouTube Videos - YouTube is one of the most visited video sharing websites on the web that helps millions of internet users to promote their products, services, online business, movies, songs and video ads by uploading videos. YouTube videos also come on the top of Google search results, so if you want to make money, YouTube could be the best option for you because it lets you upload and monetize your videos free of cost. First you have to create an account in YouTube and then you start earning online by uploading videos on popular topics.
How To Make Money Through YouTube Videos - First you have to upload original videos on popular topics with attractive titles and thumbnails. When your videos will start generating more than thousand views per day, you can easily earn through your videos. More video views can bring more revenue so after uploading videos, you should try to increase your video views. You can find many articles on the web that can tell you useful tips about increasing YouTube video views. Usually YouTube video traffic depends on these factors :
When your YouTube videos will start generating high amount of video views, you can apply for YouTube Partner Program. YouTube Partner Program allows users to make money by showing ads on their videos. YouTube shows Google Adsense ads.
If your account is not approved by YouTube Partner Program , You can try other ad network to monetize your video or simply place affiliate links of high paying affiliate programs on the top of your video description box. Thousands of users make money by putting their websites' links or affiliate links in description box.
How much you can expect - If your YouTube channel gets more thousands of views per day, you can expect $3 to $10 per thousand video views from any video ad network, but lots of internet users earn more than this rate because they use affiliate links of high paying products such as web hosting, paid software, gadgets etc. Great way to make easy money from your home.
How To Make Money Through YouTube Videos - First you have to upload original videos on popular topics with attractive titles and thumbnails. When your videos will start generating more than thousand views per day, you can easily earn through your videos. More video views can bring more revenue so after uploading videos, you should try to increase your video views. You can find many articles on the web that can tell you useful tips about increasing YouTube video views. Usually YouTube video traffic depends on these factors :
- Upload Videos On Popular Topics
- Good & Attractive Title
- Attractive YouTube Thumbnail
- Good Description With Targeted Keywords
- Number of embedded video streams
- Number of the video views
- Number of Social Shares
- Number of YouTube Comments
- YouTube Likes and Votes
- Keywords in Tags
- Heavy Subscribers
- Total views of your YouTube Channel
When your YouTube videos will start generating high amount of video views, you can apply for YouTube Partner Program. YouTube Partner Program allows users to make money by showing ads on their videos. YouTube shows Google Adsense ads.
If your account is not approved by YouTube Partner Program , You can try other ad network to monetize your video or simply place affiliate links of high paying affiliate programs on the top of your video description box. Thousands of users make money by putting their websites' links or affiliate links in description box.
How much you can expect - If your YouTube channel gets more thousands of views per day, you can expect $3 to $10 per thousand video views from any video ad network, but lots of internet users earn more than this rate because they use affiliate links of high paying products such as web hosting, paid software, gadgets etc. Great way to make easy money from your home.

2. Make Money By Selling Products - Selling products is one of the best and easiest online jobs on the web. If you have technical skill, you can build your own online shopping store to make huge money by selling products online.These days, lots of programs allow users to create fully featured online shopping stores.
But if you don't have skill to create your own shopping website, you can try simple product selling job by joining affiliate programs of top online shopping sites. Almost all popular shopping sites offer 5% to 10 % commission on each sale. First join their affiliate programs and after joining the program get affiliate links of your interested products. Now you can promote your products on your favorite social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, VK or Pinterest to generate sales from your affiliated products.
But if you don't have skill to create your own shopping website, you can try simple product selling job by joining affiliate programs of top online shopping sites. Almost all popular shopping sites offer 5% to 10 % commission on each sale. First join their affiliate programs and after joining the program get affiliate links of your interested products. Now you can promote your products on your favorite social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, VK or Pinterest to generate sales from your affiliated products.

3. Earn Money By Promoting High Paying Affiliate Programs - There are tons of affiliate networks and affiliate programs on the internet that offer high commission on each sale. You can join top affiliate networks to find high paying products. First join popular affiliate networks and then choose some high paying products and after getting their affiliate links , you can promote them on your favorite social networks, blog , forum or via emails.

4. Earn With Your Twitter Account - Very easy job that can help you to earn money online easily. First create your Twitter account and try to achieve at least 50K followers, when you have thousands of followers on your twitter account, you can join some top paying Twitter ad networks to publish sponsored tweets on your Twitter account. There are lots of ad networks on the web that pay high rate for each sponsored tweet. I have written about some popular Twitter ad networks , you can check those here - 10 Twitter ad networks .
You can use social media exchanging websites to get huge followers within few days. I know about some popular sites which are - Addmefast.com , Twiends.com & Socialclerks.com
You can use social media exchanging websites to get huge followers within few days. I know about some popular sites which are - Addmefast.com , Twiends.com & Socialclerks.com

5. Social Media Jobs - If you love spending time on social networking sites, this job could be the best option for you. In this job, you have to just promote advertiser's service or product on popular social networks such as Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest etc. You can find easy social media marketing jobs on popular freelancing websites like Freelancer , Elance and oDesk . Just join any of these sites and apply for social media projects.

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