How to shape your eyebrows like a pro

Posted By : Khanzaib Ayub

There are three different kinds of eye sets: normal, close and wide set. Eye set is recognized by measuring your eye from the inner to outer corner. PHOTO: FILE
The shape of your eyebrows might be communicating a false message about what you’re feeling. In a study, researchers digitally altered a photo of a woman’s face to create different eyebrow shapes.
Even subtle variations in the brows had a significant effect on how the woman’s mood was perceived. Here is how you can pluck the perfect eye-brows:
Determine your eye set
There are three different kinds of eye sets: normal, close and wide set. Eye set is recognized by measuring your eye from the inner to outer corner.
If your eye measurement is the same as the distance between your eyes that means you have normal set eyes and your brows should start in the inner eye.
If distance is more, then you have wide set eyes and they should start from further in.
If the distance is less, then you have close set eyes and your brows should start a little past the inner eye.
Determine where your arch should peak
Angle the straight edge so that it lines up with the outermost edge of your nose and the outermost edge of your iris. You should look straight ahead — both your face and your eyes should be looking directly forward at the mirror. Wherever the line intersects your eyebrow is where the peak of your arch should begin.
Determine where your brow should end
Angle the straight edge further so that it touches the outermost edge of your nose and also passes along the outermost edge of your eye.
Determine your brow’s thickness
Use an eye pencil to draw a line along the bottom edge of your brow; it should be above any stray hairs and it should follow the natural shape of your brow’s top line, which may be angled, slightly curved, or even straight. Pluck the strays below the line. Your eyebrow should be between ¼ and ½ inches at their thickest.

Shape your arch

The arch should peak above the outer rim of your iris and lie right on your eyebrow bone: Mark the point with your eye pencil and then remove hair along the bottom, from your inner brow point to the peak point, says womens healt hmag. After the peak, shape the tail. Make it slightly thinner than the main part of your brow, tapering at the end.

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