Posted by : Khanzaib Ayub
Hi everyone. Today i come here to teach you a very important article about Inpage. Inpage is a program that is used to compose Urdu in computer. It is a very comprehensive program for Pakistanis. People use this program for compose Urdu with all fonts and facilities. But the problem is that inpage only provide composing for Urdu. We can,t style our composing and can,t make shadows or different effects. We also can,t insert HD pictures in it. The need of hour is that how to fix it. People who love to write Urdu in Inpgae are also like to give different effects and styles in Urdu. We can,t do anything using Inpage. Adobe Photoshop is a best solution for this problem
. I will tell you that how to write Urdu in Adobe Photoshop and create different styles and shadows in it. Below is a full tutorial for doing such a thing.

Write Urdu in Inpage

★ First of all you need to write Urdu in Inpage. I have wrote a lyric.

★  After writing, Go to File--->Export Page.

★ When you will click on Export page, a box will appear. Click Browse on box. Use below picture  settings on your inpage.

★ Then Type your File name. Choose your Save Target and most important you have to choose  Encapsulated Postscript Files in Save as Type and then click on Save. I am telling you again that it is very  important step and nothing will be done without this.

★ When you will click on Save, a box will appear. Click ok in that box.

Adding Urdu in Photoshop

★ Open your Adobe Photoshop.
★ Go to File--->Open and open your Encapsulated Postscript File. I have saved my file with the name of Lyric.

★ When you will click on open, a box of Rasterize EPS format will open. Choose below picturesettings and click on ok.

★ Now your Urdu composing has inserted to Adobe Photoshop. In Photoshop, Urdu will look like below picture.

★ You can make different styles, shadows and effects on your Urdu. and change background as you want

                                If you have any question about this topic then ask in comments. 

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