The first step for any online blogger, developer or freelancer out there is to optimize his / her website for different search engines. Now, the question arises that how you can optimize the website? Well, the answer is quite straight and simple and that is“Keyword”. Now, the word “KEYWORD” has a lot full of background which is yet to be discussed. This “series of steps” will let you know all the details about how to conduct Keyword research and to extract its benefits in the long run.
Step # 1 – Write Down The Mission
Have you ever thought of those elements which can make your website unique and qualitative? What would be the idea that you can come up with and would be a hit – sell in online market? And, what are those reasons against which you would attractive the online clients towards your website? These are all the basic questions that you should keep in mind while getting into this line of action. This is what we call “Mission” in general terms. You should be curious that the website which you are going to develop, how come will those specific clients will come to know who want to avail these services. How to make your website fit for those people who are searching for likewise services being provided by you? How to get rid-off of bounce rate (the rate which depends upon those users who visit your website and leave it instantly)? Obviously, higher the bounce rate – more are the chances that your website will drop down in Google ranking.
Market Competition:
Apart from all the ranking, you have to ultimately rank your website on the basis of online market and the people who are largely looking for likewise services online. Now, there are different markets for research. Some markets are said to be highly competitive where giant online companies mostly dominate most of the Google search results. Such giant online companies do spend a whole lot of budget just in the name of SEO marketing and to get ranked at top against which a simple online developer can’t simply compete. So, ranking of your website is hard in such markets. However, it is highly suggested to find such markets that can cash your website against these big boys.
For example, if you wish to have a website based upon selling holidays to Caribbean – it would be quite hard for you to get your website ranked for Holiday Caribbean. But, you still can rank it with keywords related to TRAVEL like VISITJOURNERY,HONEYMOON and so on. Your holiday offers would be mostly for the newlyweds so you can incorporate the keyword like NEWLYWEDs CARIBBEANCARIBBEN HOLIDAYS FOR NEWLY / ELEDERLY WEDs or something like that. It would be a good strategy to distort the keyword a little bit.

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