Get To Know About Keywords Research & Long Tail KEywords

In step 1 – we have learned about the importance and significance of Keywords. Now, we will analyze the keywords with one step ahead.

Step-2 : Against Which Search Items You Want To Get Found
Make A List:
It would be great if you can come up with a list for the possible search items against which you want your site to be found. Undoubtedly, this is quite a difficult phase that needs extra ordinary attention, focus and mind of yours. This is just like of getting into the minds of audience and knowing that what items do they want to search on Google or any other search engine. What expectations can you website fulfill for the online consumers and how they can get the answer of their queries from you webpage? These are all the factors that you must need to keep in mind while preparing the list for possible keywords.
Earlier in recent years, it was quite easy for the online developers to find about the online people and what they are basically looking for over search engines by simply accessing Google Analytics. However, this is not the case now. So, you are completely in dark and have to find a way out on your own self. Once you manage to attract the online users, then you can see their SEARCHED ITEMS.
Tools That Can Be Used:
Here are some of the tools that can be used to get started:
  1. Google Adwords Keyword Planner:
This is said to be one the very useful tools when it comes to research about specific keywords. This tool can be used to find unique, real, related and new keywords on which you can spend some extra bucks for the advertising.
Keyword Suggest Tool
This is yet another effective tools which basically uses Google Suggest feature in order to let you know about the density of different keywords being searched around. It basically finds the expansion to the given keywords which are suggested by the GOOGLE. For instance, if you type EXAMPLE – it will expand the keyword like EXAMPLE A, EXAMPLE B till EXAMPLE Z. For you, it is quite good to find such extendable keywords. Or, get sensible suggestions for keywords from this links as well Google Keyword Suggestions Tool
  1. Google Trends:
Google trend is basically not for keyword research and to attract people through it. However, it can give you quite a good idea about the trending factors over e-world. You can see graphs for different regions in which there are different trends and how much people are looking to it. If your website is seasonal or related to NEWS, then it is very important for your keep a keen eye over Google Trends.
  1. Internal Search Engine:
A website may has different categories in it. So, in order to find what online visitors are particularly trying to find in your website can be done through your internal search engine. You can come to know about the keywords which online visitors didn’t find on your website and the keywords which didn’t bring fruitful results. You can change, edit, add or remove the keywords accordingly. You can easily do it with Google Analytics WordPress Plugin.
Long – Tail Keywords:
The above mentioned tools will surely help you to end up with such a list that can bring fruitful results for your website in the long run. You are also privileged to think about keywords’ combinations as well. Avoid selecting such keywords which are based on single word. The longer and more specific keywords would be – brighter are the chances for online visitors to come to know about your website.  Such keywords are basically known as long – tail keywords.
Some of the example for Long – tail keywords are:
  • Compare prices for Macbook desktop
  • Where To Find Best Coffee Around Seattle
Once understood with kean knowledge – it’s time to nail it with STEP – 3 of Keywords Research

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