Increase Search Traffic Upto 110% Within 14 Days Only Dec 21 Increase Search Traffic Upto 110% Within 14 Days Only

There are many people out there who think that “quality content” is enough in today’s internet marketing. There’s a general mind – set among people thinking “If I publish quality content, online users will automatically get attracted”. However, it isn’t as easier as it apparently looks like.
In order to generate quality links, you have to go through a systematic procedure regarding the promotion of your content. Believe it or not! All these home-made add-salt-to-taste theories won’t work at all. You can read here how to provide external link to a website.
This article will let you know all the techniques required to generate high quality links and to promote your content.
Skyscraper Technique: 
It is said to be the most efficient and effective content marketing strategy for the link builders. You’ll certainly see a rise in figures that will shoot-up just like a rocket for number of online visitors at your website. As shown below, I have stated the stats and figures related to my website as a proof of guarantee.
referning domain
You won’t believe that the organic search traffic to my website almost get doubled within no more than 14 days.
So attention all the readers! You can acquire similar statistics for your website, blogs or WebPages provided that you do follow the given guidelines in righteous manner. There’s no need of calculating long-pages budgets for the marketing strategies, all you need is to follow the given 3-steps to perfectly execute “skyscraper technique”.
1. Find the content that is link – worthy
2. Try to enhance the quality of content
3. Advertise / Market the content to right people
Step # 1: Finding Linkable Proven Assets
As far as the content marketing is concerned, linkable asset certainly holds much of the significance. It is said to be the best tip when it comes to the creation of a qualitative and highly valued webpage that can be leveraged against the links again and again. If the content remains qualitative and appealing for the people, there’s nothing that can stop them to add link of your website in their WordPress dashboards. If you are thinking that how it can be assured if the linkable assets can bring a huge success or it would be a complete flop, then here’s a simple and plain answer. Find such content that already has generated ton of links.
Here’s How:
1.  Logon to Open Site Explorer.Open site Exploer
2.  Find such a website that you think had generated quality links out of its content. For instance, insert the link:
3.  From the left sided menu – bar, click “top pages”:
Top pages
4.  Look – out such content which has got at least 25 linking root domains:

Topsy is yet another efficient website that can help you find the intense content regarding the niche of your interest.
Here’s How:
1. Enter the keyword of your interested niche:
Top say
2. Select “All Time”
All Time
3. You’ll be given the results of highly – shared, proven, and solid content related to your niche of interest:
Google Search:
You must all know about the Google Search. For the uninformed people out there, here’s the figure shown below:
Content Market
You can simply copy and paste the links (extracted from Google) either in Site Open Explorer or Topsy to get the content of your choice for proven linkable assets. Make sure that you don’t deal with any link that has less than 25 referring domains.
Step # 2: Enhancing The Content Quality
Don’t just stick to the given word limit of the original article. Try to enhance the content lengthwise as well as quality-wise. For example, if you find a content of “Free Seo Tools” – try to publish the list of nearly 100 or even 150.
Another attractive trick to create appealing and eye-catchy content is to take such information that is out – dated, blend some latest information and throw it in public. People are always in search for the revival of old things and it will surely bring fruitful results to your efforts.  For example, you can discuss the significance of “ON / OFF Page SEO Factors” that is most likely already available in tons of weight but add the factor of “Social SEO Factor” in it. Then, see the magic happening!.You can read some Technical SEO Starter Guide here

Better Designed:

It’s the human physic that people get attracted towards visually stunning pieces. Same is the case when it comes to marketing strategies. So, don’t forget to add appealing and attractive banners related to your niche in the content. You can read about website structure here 
Furthermore, don’t just add bullets – in fact, attach a brief description to every point, as shown below:
Right Link
All in all, We would like you to suggest that you must have to beat existing form of content or the reference content in terms of information, design, and length etc.
Step: 3 # Reaching The Right People
A traditional way to market the content is to send bulk emails regardless of whether they are useful to the recipients or not. Well, for such people who still believe in this technique, numbers literally don’t matter. The thing that matters is to reach the people who could be interested in your content. In this regard, you can search over the internet for the websites that are providing same services as you. Try to reach out their owners on email & convince them on the three following points:
1. They are running the website for the same niche as you.
2.  You can add some valuable and precious information to their services with your content.
3. They should welcome your posts by adding the links of your website into their webpage.
Here’s How:
1.  Start with online research and list down all the links of the website that are in competition with you. Make sure that you only consider the websites which have same niche as of your webpage.
2. Exclude all those links that could be of no use for you like article directories, and forums.
3. Start creating emails using the given template:
Bingo! You are done!

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